The lectures below are hosted jointly with the Classical Association local branches. For information on organising joint lectures, please see here.
North Staffs
Tuesday 12 December 2023, 7.30pm
Shushma Malik: Is Nero in the Bible?
University Common Room, Keele Hall, University of Keele, ST5 5BG
Southport and Birkdale
Wednesday 13 December 2023, 7pm (doors open 6.15pm)
Prof. Caroline Vout: The ugliness of ancient art
King George V Sixth Form College, Southport
Liverpool Classical Association
Wednesday 20th March 2024, 7-8pm (doors open 6.30pm)
Shushma Malik: Representations of Nero in the Roman Empire
North Liverpool Academy 120, Heyworth St, Liverpool L5 0SQ