The Hellenic and Roman Library
The Library is maintained jointly with the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies and in association with the Institute of Classical Studies (University of London).
It contains over 152,000 volumes, almost 700 periodicals and 6,700 slides and has an international reputation as one of the world’s foremost Classics lending libraries. About 20% of its accessions are in no other UK library, and the entire collection (apart from the rare books) is available on open shelves. Hear what Mary Beard, Paul Cartledge, Natalie Haynes and Tom Holland say about the exceptional quality of the Library.
Members resident in or visiting the UK may borrow the Societies' books and journals in person or by post. The library also offers a scanning service for members. Books belonging to the ICS may be consulted, but not borrowed.
Members of the Society will be issued with a Library Card on their first visit. If you live outside of London or are unable to visit, please contact us to arrange for one to be posted to you.
Support the Library
We have launched a fund-raising campaign to secure and enhance the future of the Library. More information can be found on the Hellenic and Roman Library website.
Ways to Donate
By cheque made payable to 'The Hellenic and Roman Library'.
By direct debit - a brochure is available to download: Friends of Minerva
By credit card - please go to the Hellenic and Roman Library website
By leaving a legacy - Apollo Society
Gift Aid
If you are a UK Tax Payer, please Gift Aid your donation.
Adopt a Book
Simply browse the catalogue and choose your favourite book. Your donation will be recorded with a bookplate placed inside the book. Adopt one book for £30, two for £50 or five for £100. Download a form here.
Contact Information
Third Floor, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU
020 7862 8709
Ms Joanna Ashe
Deputy Librarian
Mr Paul Jackson
Senior Library Assistant
Ms Sue Willetts
Periodicals Library Assistant
Mr Christopher Ashill
Library Assistants
Dr Rosario Rovira Guardiola
Ms Madeline Brown
A.G. Leventis Scanner Operator
Mr Aaron Fordwoh
Winnington-Ingram Trainee 2022-2023
Ms Willow Smith
Opening hours
Mondays and Fridays: 9.30am – 6pm.
Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays: 9.30 - 8pm (in term time; 6pm in the vacation)
Saturdays: 10.00am - 4.30pm
Please check for the latest information on vacation closing dates and opening hours on the Library website.