The Roman Society

Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies

Ancient Enslavement: fresh perspectives

Saturday 10 June, 2pm, 2023
G22/26, Senate House, London

2.00 AGM

Ancient Enslavement: fresh perspectives

YouTube Playlist:

2.30  Myles Lavan (St Andrews): Manumission in the Roman world: a comparative perspective
3.00  Henrik Mouritsen (KCL): Recent trends in the study of ancient slavery
3.45  Tea
4.15  April Pudsey (ManMet): The Lives and Concerns of Enslaved Children: Evidence from Roman and Late Antique Egypt
4.45 Alice Rio (KCL): Early Medieval Slavery: what changed?
5.30 Reception

The Roman Society
Senate House
Malet Street
London WC1E 7HU

Telephone: 020 7862 8727


The Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies (The Roman Society) is a registered charity in the UK.

Charity Registration Number: 210644
Company Registration Number: 114442