4-6 May 2012
The Roman Society held a Spring Meeting over the May bank holiday weekend, visiting a number of sites in Bath, Cirencester and the Cotswolds. The Society is very grateful to Stephen Clews for organising the trip, and to members of the Society who gave talks and led the site visits:
Stephen Bird, Susan Fox and Stephen Clews at the Roman Baths.
Neil Holbrook (CEO, Cotswold Archaeology) who gave a talk about the Trust and commercial archaeology at a number of local sites. Neil also led the visit to Cirencester Roman Wall and Great Witcombe Roman Villa.
Richard Reece and Stephen Clews at Cirencester Roman amphitheatre.
Amanda Hart, Curator of the Corinium Museum.
Paul Booth at North Leigh Roman Villa.
Simon Esmonde Cleary at Chedworth Roman Villa.
Friday 4 May - Roman Baths at Bath:

Saturday 5 May
Cotswold Archaeological Trust, Kemble:

Cirencester Roman Wall:

Cirencester Roman Amphitheatre:

Stephen Clews & Richard Reece
Great Witcombe Roman Villa:

Neil Holbrook leads the site visit
Corinium Museum:

Stephen Clews, Cllr Birth, Philip Kay, Amanda Hart (Corinium Museum Curator)
Cirencester Agricultural College - Dinner: